There is a big problem on the Internet with fakes and it isn't just Gucci handbags. There are fake Nike shirts and fake Beats headphones. Apparently there is also fake commercial furniture. I was searching for products manufactured by Richardson Seating, Vitro Seating, Trendler, and MTS Seating today. Richardson Seating has a line of retail products in addition to its commercial furniture.
Legitimately manufactured Richardson Seating furniture is available through Richardson Seating, American Chairs, Wayfair, Target, and even Amazon but you have to make sure you are buying from a legit seller. Not all furniture sold on Amazon is sold by Amazon. A lot of it is sold by 3rd party resellers. There are official 3rd party resellers of Richardson Seating like Unbeatable Sales and Budget Bar Stools but there are other random companies that are using the name Richardson Seating and advertising products below cost. One must assume they will either steal your money or send you a fake item that costs way less from China.
If you are looking to outfit your restaurant with real furniture made by real local manufacturer's then you might need some help avoiding the pitfalls of fake pictures and fake companies on the NET. We can help you avoid fakes. Just message us any question.
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